Task 4
Pogoji so bili zelo sibki tako da je vecino pilotov koncalo svoj polet pred prvo obratno tocko. No, jaz niti na start nisem sel, ker si je za birokratske posle potrebno vzeti cas. Task je najdlje preletel domacin Yevgeny Oreshkin, ki je uspel preleteti 40 kilometrov. Trenutno vodilni Indijec Gurpreet Dhindsa se je moral zadovoljiti s pristankom pod startom. V koncni razvstitvi se vedno, ceprav tesno vodi pred drugimi zasledovalci.
Pogoji so bili zelo sibki tako da je vecino pilotov koncalo svoj polet pred prvo obratno tocko. No, jaz niti na start nisem sel, ker si je za birokratske posle potrebno vzeti cas. Task je najdlje preletel domacin Yevgeny Oreshkin, ki je uspel preleteti 40 kilometrov. Trenutno vodilni Indijec Gurpreet Dhindsa se je moral zadovoljiti s pristankom pod startom. V koncni razvstitvi se vedno, ceprav tesno vodi pred drugimi zasledovalci.
Task 5
Vreme je zgledalo precej obetavno, a se je vsako minuto moc vetra stopnjevala do te mere da se je v dalini pojavila nevihta, ki je pred seboj cistila vse koticke na zemlji.

Premocan veter in odpoved taska - Strong wind caused the tacs was cancelled
Task 6
Dez se je polegel, a kaj ko se veter ni. Tako je cas za odbojko in kot kaze ne bo nic z tekmo, saj je v hribih „GRAZA“---po rusko nevihta.... potem ko so nekateri ze zaceli piti pivo se je organizator odlocil da gremo na goro. Cakanje in sprememba obratnih tock a to ni nobenega motilo. Potem pa tik pred startom odpoved tekme, ker organizator ni dobil dovoljenja za zracni prostor zaradi vojaskega transporta po tem koridorju. Ni kaj, ceprav se je vreme popravilo in adrenalinski kazalci so kazali ze cez rdece polje se je bilo treba sprijazniti za skok v dolino...

Po odpovedi tekme, le skok v dolino... - After task cancellation just a 'jump flight'
Tako je tekmo zmagal Indijec Gurpreet Dhindsa, drugo mesto je pripadlo domacinu Yevgenyu Oreshkinu in tretje mesto Ruskemu drzavnemu prvaku Vitaliyu Shabanovu.
V zenski konkurenci je bilo vse v znamenju Axis Girls ( o njih mogoce v kasnejsih javljanjih). Na prvo mesto se je zavihtela Olga Bryakotnina, drugo mesto Daria Krasnova in tretje Anna Verbitskaya.
V zenski konkurenci je bilo vse v znamenju Axis Girls ( o njih mogoce v kasnejsih javljanjih). Na prvo mesto se je zavihtela Olga Bryakotnina, drugo mesto Daria Krasnova in tretje Anna Verbitskaya.
Drzavni prvak Kazahstan je postal Yevgeny Oreshkin, drugo mesto je zasedel Valeriy Cherkashin in tretje mesto Igor Kulchev.
PS: no, jaz sem v koncnem sestevku pristal na 22. mestu, za prvo tekmovanje in to letenje na ravnini, ter spuscenem enem tasku sem zelo zadovoljen:-)
Ceprav je tekmovanje Kazahstan Open 2009 zakljuceno pa karavana se ne odhaja domov ampak ostaja na tekmovanju CIS open 2009 Odprto prvenstvo bivsih sovjetskih republik.
PS: no, jaz sem v koncnem sestevku pristal na 22. mestu, za prvo tekmovanje in to letenje na ravnini, ter spuscenem enem tasku sem zelo zadovoljen:-)
Ceprav je tekmovanje Kazahstan Open 2009 zakljuceno pa karavana se ne odhaja domov ampak ostaja na tekmovanju CIS open 2009 Odprto prvenstvo bivsih sovjetskih republik.
Conditions were very weak, that cause that many pilots landed before first turn point. I haven't gone to the take off because of bureaucracy on Kyrgyzstan embassy that took us with Sasa the whole day. Nobody reached the finish line but the longest flight was made by local pilot Yevgeny Oreshkin, who succeed to fly 40 kilometres. Indian Gurpreet Dhindsa didn't made the first turn point and he landed just after the take off. But in total he's still in the leading position, but everybody got closer!!! The next tasks will be very interesting.

Jadrlano padalska - tekmovanje sploh - je tezka - Competition is a hard job - Pasha from Russia
Drive with the truck to the take off that looks very good, has been changing to worst and worst when the wind was picking up the speed that got so high that also hand gliders didn't took off. In the far away flat land the wind has started to pick up the dust and here we go the dust storm was here! We have to got back to trucks that were attacked buy the dust. In the evening we had rain that has made also nice atmosphere and some tents were having fun till the morning hours.
Task 6
Rain has finished but the wind is still strong. Today is the last task of Kazakhstan open 2009. Because of strong wind we had time to play volleyball and the conditions are not showing anything good. In mountains is „GRAZA“ --that means in Russian storm...

Toca v kampu - Hale in the camp
some of the pilots already started drinking beer when organiser decided to go on the mountain and try to fly today's task. Waiting and changing of only one turn point didn't make any of pilot nervous. Just couple minutes before the window will be open they cancelled the task because they didn't get permission to use the air space because of military priority using that corridor. The weather has improved and the amount of adrenalin in pilots blood was over MAX we had to except the organizer word that we've to land in not far from take off and that the task is cancelled...
Final results:
The Kazakhstan open 2009 was over-all won by Indian pilot Gurpreet Dhindsa, second place was gain by local pilot Yevgenyu Oreshkinu and third place was reserved for actual Russian champion Vitaliy Shabanov.
The women class was very much the aspect of Axis Girls of Russia.
The Kazakhstan open 2009 was over-all won by Indian pilot Gurpreet Dhindsa, second place was gain by local pilot Yevgenyu Oreshkinu and third place was reserved for actual Russian champion Vitaliy Shabanov.
The women class was very much the aspect of Axis Girls of Russia.

Ena izmed Axis punc - letijo visoko in dalec - One of the Axis girls... they fly high and far!
It was won by Olga Bryakotnina, second place Daria Krasnova and third place Anna Verbitskaya.
PS: well I gain the 22.place what is good for my first competition, lost coordinate, flying on flat land and missing on one task :-)
The Kazakhstan open 2009 is finished but pilots are not going yet home because tomorrow is the beginning of new competition...the CIS Open 2009..the competition of ex soviet republics. The Kazakhstan champion became Yevgeny Oreshkin second was Valeriy Cherkashin and third place Igor Kulchev.
PS: well I gain the 22.place what is good for my first competition, lost coordinate, flying on flat land and missing on one task :-)
The Kazakhstan open 2009 is finished but pilots are not going yet home because tomorrow is the beginning of new competition...the CIS Open 2009..the competition of ex soviet republics. The Kazakhstan champion became Yevgeny Oreshkin second was Valeriy Cherkashin and third place Igor Kulchev.
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