Ker se najin blog ves cas spreminja oziroma nanj dodajava nove stvari verjamem, da marsikdo izmed vas ne ve tocno cemu so namenjene. Skoraj vsaka stvar oziroma link je v povezan z najinim zivljenjem in najinim potovanjem. Posredno ali neposredno. Tako bi danes rada napisala nekaj besed o vremenu. Vreme je zelo pomembno, saj najinemu letenju z jadralnimi padali pogojujejo vremenski pogoji. Pod ikono Vreme – Weather lahko najdete spletni portal italijanske meteoroloske privatne postaje www.ilmeteo.it. Uporabljava ga ze vrsto let in moram reci, da je zelo zanesljiv v svojih prognozah. Tako napove vreme skoraj do ure natancno. Na njem je mogoce najti sliko vremena, temperaturo zraka, smer in hitrost vetra v km/h ali m/s, zracni tlak, visino, kjer lahko pricakujemo 0ºC in se mnogo drugega. Napoved vremena je predstavljena za cel teden vnaprej za cel svet, medtem ko je napoved za Italijo celo 14 dnevna. Nudi pa tudi grob izracun za priblizno napoved za 3 tedne. Ker se v Sloveniji najdaljsi poleti zacnejo in nadaljujevo preko meje v Italiji, ga toplo priporocava. Sicer je v italjanskem jeziku, a sva opazila po novem tudi malenkosten angleski prevod (angl. zastavica). Midva ga uporabljava na svojem potovanju in moram reci, da je do sedaj vse tocno napovedal ne glede na to ali sva letela v Vladivostoku, Almati ali v Brnem.
Ker se najin blog ves cas spreminja oziroma nanj dodajava nove stvari verjamem, da marsikdo izmed vas ne ve tocno cemu so namenjene. Skoraj vsaka stvar oziroma link je v povezan z najinim zivljenjem in najinim potovanjem. Posredno ali neposredno. Tako bi danes rada napisala nekaj besed o vremenu. Vreme je zelo pomembno, saj najinemu letenju z jadralnimi padali pogojujejo vremenski pogoji. Pod ikono Vreme – Weather lahko najdete spletni portal italijanske meteoroloske privatne postaje www.ilmeteo.it. Uporabljava ga ze vrsto let in moram reci, da je zelo zanesljiv v svojih prognozah. Tako napove vreme skoraj do ure natancno. Na njem je mogoce najti sliko vremena, temperaturo zraka, smer in hitrost vetra v km/h ali m/s, zracni tlak, visino, kjer lahko pricakujemo 0ºC in se mnogo drugega. Napoved vremena je predstavljena za cel teden vnaprej za cel svet, medtem ko je napoved za Italijo celo 14 dnevna. Nudi pa tudi grob izracun za priblizno napoved za 3 tedne. Ker se v Sloveniji najdaljsi poleti zacnejo in nadaljujevo preko meje v Italiji, ga toplo priporocava. Sicer je v italjanskem jeziku, a sva opazila po novem tudi malenkosten angleski prevod (angl. zastavica). Midva ga uporabljava na svojem potovanju in moram reci, da je do sedaj vse tocno napovedal ne glede na to ali sva letela v Vladivostoku, Almati ali v Brnem.
Preprosti pripomocek za merjenje jakosti vetra - 'anemometer'
Na linku Click here - Povezava se vam odpre zemljevid sveta in potem poljubno izbirate kraje ali jih sami vpisujete za cel svet. Ce pa kliknete na ikono Ilmeteo pa se vam bo odprla njihova stran kjer je iskanje nekoliko drugace ampak poiscite zastavo v zgornjem desnem kotu in vam bo vse bolj razumljivo. Za bolj izkusene in tiste, ki se z navadno vremensko napovedjo ne zadovoljijo sva pod rubriko uporabne povezave dodala povezavo Atmospheric soundings. Podatki teh meritev so pridobljeni z spuscanjem vremenskih balonov, ki se dvignejo vse do konca atmosfere. Ta je moc najti podatke do visine 30.000 metrov iz celega sveta. Za bolj detaljni opis uporabe te metode glej povezavo, kjer je Simon Copi udelezenec X-Alps 2007 in iskusen alpinist napisal nekaj vec besed.
Pa prijetno napovedovanje vremena!
English version:
The shape of our blog is changing all the time because we try to add things that are part of our life's and we're sure that many of you have no idea what they are for so we decided to write some words about. Today we would like to write you something about the weather. Weather in our case is very important because is one of the reason's why we make good flights or we spent more time on writing you some stories while it's raining outside. Under the icon Weather – Vreme you can find web site of private Italian meteorological station www.ilmeteo.it. We use that web site for several years and I must say that is very reliable in it's predictions. On there site it is possible to find the picture of weather, air temperature, wind direction and speed in km/h or m/s, air pressure, altitude of 0ºC and many other things. Prognoses are for the whole week in advance and for Italy is for two weeks in advance. There is a possibility to get an approximate calculation of the weather forecast for three weeks time. Because the longest XC (cross country) flights from Slovenia start in Slovenia and are continuing to Italy and that is why it is very recommended. The site is Italian but I saw that they gave an option in English by pressing on English flag icon that is situated in the right corner. We're using it on our travel and we must say that it has given us a 100% satisfaction. It's prognosis matched in Vladivostok, Almaty or Brno.
Pa prijetno napovedovanje vremena!
English version:
The shape of our blog is changing all the time because we try to add things that are part of our life's and we're sure that many of you have no idea what they are for so we decided to write some words about. Today we would like to write you something about the weather. Weather in our case is very important because is one of the reason's why we make good flights or we spent more time on writing you some stories while it's raining outside. Under the icon Weather – Vreme you can find web site of private Italian meteorological station www.ilmeteo.it. We use that web site for several years and I must say that is very reliable in it's predictions. On there site it is possible to find the picture of weather, air temperature, wind direction and speed in km/h or m/s, air pressure, altitude of 0ºC and many other things. Prognoses are for the whole week in advance and for Italy is for two weeks in advance. There is a possibility to get an approximate calculation of the weather forecast for three weeks time. Because the longest XC (cross country) flights from Slovenia start in Slovenia and are continuing to Italy and that is why it is very recommended. The site is Italian but I saw that they gave an option in English by pressing on English flag icon that is situated in the right corner. We're using it on our travel and we must say that it has given us a 100% satisfaction. It's prognosis matched in Vladivostok, Almaty or Brno.
Rainy cloud under the Saint mountain Otgon Tenger Uul, Mongolia
On the link Click here - Povezava it will open the full map of the world and there you can browse for any city that is on the map or you tape your city. If you click on the icon Ilmeteo than you'll find the web site and you have more option just look for English flag. For more advanced weather predictions we gave the link into Useful connections chapter for Atmospheric soundings that provide measurements which are given by sending the weather balloon to the atmosphere. There you will get information which can reach 30.000 meters. For more info about the use of this method see the site where Simon Copi paragliding pilot who participated X-alps 2007 and an experienced alpine climber gives the tips for it's use.
We wish you a pleasant weather forecast predictions.
We wish you a pleasant weather forecast predictions.
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