Še vedno naju ni domov, čeprav je Saša obljubljala, da bova potovala 6 mesecev. No, jaz sem rekel, da se vrneva nekje po novem letu. Prepotovala sva skoraj vse kar sva si zastavila. To pomeni Tmin – Tallin (vzhodna Evropa), St. Petersburg – Vladivostok (Rusija), Peking – Ulanbataar – Kashgar (Kitajska in Mongolija), Almaata – Bishkek (Kazahstan in Kirgizijo), Karakorum Highway (Pakistan), New Delhi – Bir – (Indijska Himalaja - Indija ) in sedaj sva na poti proti najini zadnji destinaciji Nepalu.
Zanimivo in polno presenečenj ter lepih trenutkov je to potovanje. Najin namen bolje spoznati eden drugega je zelo pozitiven. Marsikdaj je bilo težko vendar sva si pokazala, da znava poslušati en drugega, sodelovati in se imeti rada. No, življenje je še dolgo, tako se počutiva, kot da sva komaj shodila.
Upava, da vam prinašava doživetja, slike ter zgodbe, ki vam polepšajo dan ali pa vas za trenutek popeljejo v te daljne kraje in pozabite, da je danes že spet ponedeljek in je pred vami naporen teden.
S tem pismom se vam želiva zahvaliti za vsakršno podporo pri projektu AsiaTmin, ki nama še kako pride prav. Človek si kar ne more predstavljati, koliko pomeni, če se nekdo spomni nate, ko si v težavah oz. ko si samo številka, ki se prebija skozi birokratske duri ali pa ko ure in ure sediš na tleh pred straniščem nočnega vlaka v deželi, kjer velja kastni sistem in se počutiš kot tisti najnižji. A vse to je šola in izkušnja za življenje, saj ne moremo vedno gledati z vrha. No, včasih gledava iz zraka in morava priznat, da sva dobila občutek, ne glede na to kje letiva se nama zdi zemlja in občutek enak. Čeprav letiš sredi Rusije in je okoli tebe tajga in neznani ljudje ter neskončna ravnina je občutek svobode in veselja enak sredi Pakistana, kjer se vsakodnevno dogajajo bombni napadi.
Topel pozdrav iz Azije. Tadej in Saša – AsiaTmin
P.S. Vsak dan se vsakemu izmed nas ponujajo različne priložnosti, ki jih ali pa jih ne izkoristimo. Zato ne bodite presenečeni, če naju jadra ponesejo še kam... O tem v prihodnje več na http://www.blogger.com/www.asiatmin.blogspot.com ali http://www.blogger.com/www.poprek.org
We are still on the road even Saša promised we come back after six months. Well, I knew it will take us longer time and we will return back home next year. We traveled what we had planned and that means we enjoyed the route from Tmin – Tallin (Eastern Europe),St. Petersburg – Vladivostok (Russia), Beijing – UlanBaatar – Kashgar (China and Mongolia), Almaty – Bishkek (Kazahstan and Kyrgyzstan), Karakorum Highway (Pakistan), New Delhi – Bir – (Himachal pradesh – India) and now we are heading towards our last destination Nepal.
Our traveling is amazing, full of surprises and beautiful moments. Our intention to know each better involves positive feelings. It is hard sometimes, of course, but we showed we can listen, talk and love each other. But love is still young and we feel we've just made the first steps.
We hope we introduce you some of our experience, images and stories which make your day even more beautiful. Maybe they can take you closer to the countries faraway or whether you forget that today is Monday and the whole working week is still in front of you.
With this letter we would like to thank you for any kind of support with AsiaTmin which helps us a lot. It is hard to explain the feeling when someone remembers you when you are stucked in a problem, when bureaucratic wheels cares about you only as a number or when you travel in front of the toilet on the train in the country with cast system and you belong to the lower one. But this we take as useful lessons and experience which we can use in our lives in the future as we cannot get always what we want. But we can fly and wherever we spread our gliders we feel the land below and the sky above the same. When you fly in Russia in the middle of taiga among unknown people over the land where you cannot see the edge the feeling of happiness and freedom can fully compare with flying in the skies of Pakistan where bomb attacks happen everyday.
P.S. Everybody is offered different opportunities which he or she can benefit or not. That's why you don't be surprised if our wings take us further more to somewhere else. More about this in the near future on http://www.blogger.com/www.asiatmin.blogspot.comblogspot.com or http://www.blogger.com/www.poprek.org

Zanimivo in polno presenečenj ter lepih trenutkov je to potovanje. Najin namen bolje spoznati eden drugega je zelo pozitiven. Marsikdaj je bilo težko vendar sva si pokazala, da znava poslušati en drugega, sodelovati in se imeti rada. No, življenje je še dolgo, tako se počutiva, kot da sva komaj shodila.
Upava, da vam prinašava doživetja, slike ter zgodbe, ki vam polepšajo dan ali pa vas za trenutek popeljejo v te daljne kraje in pozabite, da je danes že spet ponedeljek in je pred vami naporen teden.
S tem pismom se vam želiva zahvaliti za vsakršno podporo pri projektu AsiaTmin, ki nama še kako pride prav. Človek si kar ne more predstavljati, koliko pomeni, če se nekdo spomni nate, ko si v težavah oz. ko si samo številka, ki se prebija skozi birokratske duri ali pa ko ure in ure sediš na tleh pred straniščem nočnega vlaka v deželi, kjer velja kastni sistem in se počutiš kot tisti najnižji. A vse to je šola in izkušnja za življenje, saj ne moremo vedno gledati z vrha. No, včasih gledava iz zraka in morava priznat, da sva dobila občutek, ne glede na to kje letiva se nama zdi zemlja in občutek enak. Čeprav letiš sredi Rusije in je okoli tebe tajga in neznani ljudje ter neskončna ravnina je občutek svobode in veselja enak sredi Pakistana, kjer se vsakodnevno dogajajo bombni napadi.

P.S. Vsak dan se vsakemu izmed nas ponujajo različne priložnosti, ki jih ali pa jih ne izkoristimo. Zato ne bodite presenečeni, če naju jadra ponesejo še kam... O tem v prihodnje več na http://www.blogger.com/www.asiatmin.blogspot.com ali http://www.blogger.com/www.poprek.org

Our traveling is amazing, full of surprises and beautiful moments. Our intention to know each better involves positive feelings. It is hard sometimes, of course, but we showed we can listen, talk and love each other. But love is still young and we feel we've just made the first steps.
We hope we introduce you some of our experience, images and stories which make your day even more beautiful. Maybe they can take you closer to the countries faraway or whether you forget that today is Monday and the whole working week is still in front of you.
With this letter we would like to thank you for any kind of support with AsiaTmin which helps us a lot. It is hard to explain the feeling when someone remembers you when you are stucked in a problem, when bureaucratic wheels cares about you only as a number or when you travel in front of the toilet on the train in the country with cast system and you belong to the lower one. But this we take as useful lessons and experience which we can use in our lives in the future as we cannot get always what we want. But we can fly and wherever we spread our gliders we feel the land below and the sky above the same. When you fly in Russia in the middle of taiga among unknown people over the land where you cannot see the edge the feeling of happiness and freedom can fully compare with flying in the skies of Pakistan where bomb attacks happen everyday.
P.S. Everybody is offered different opportunities which he or she can benefit or not. That's why you don't be surprised if our wings take us further more to somewhere else. More about this in the near future on http://www.blogger.com/www.asiatmin.blogspot.comblogspot.com or http://www.blogger.com/www.poprek.org
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