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It was 28th October... we woke up beside the 'Tato Pani' Indian 'Hot Springs'. Guys enjoyed hot water I could just imagine. Me... woman stuff.
Guys in 'Tato Pani - later they were served hot capaties with nutella and peanaut butter - niceeeeee!'
When described where this place is I was already worried about the turbulence in the valley and the take off otherwise nice facing towards the noon sun, nonsense... After breakfast and tea at 'Caj shop' we walked for about one hour just up and up. It was so steep and with at least 20 kgs on my back...
Take off place on the left above
The thermals were hot already and I felt the feeling oooo yeah... hmmm... aaaaa... ddddd... “I can make it! Anyway I have to climb that rocky mountain right behind the launching place otherwise I have to land in the valley below on a road, on a tree... if lucky... If I do not like the conditions I will jump to the front ridge or well... I maybe fly the last ridge... and I must fly to the 360 place – I really wish!”
Valley below the take off without landing spots
Full head of thoughts... concentrating non stop. The wind for the take off is just the right one... Robinson just flew straight out of the valley, Reno and Momo started to climb the thermal above the take off.
On the way to goal - ooo yeah!
Now it is my turn and I can make it too! We climbed up one after another to over 3000m and then I wait for Tadej that we start the flight towards our daily destination. Reno and Momo were soaring under a big stormy dark cloud almost touching the base. When flying above the last ridge I found out it is not really scary the feeling is relaxing and you feel safer. I noticed the valley behind the ridge and was relieved just in case of unpredictable landing somewhere as yeah, huge minus – we were flying without any communication among us like radio, cell phones...
Landing among terraces
I took care no to scrude up the flight catching every thermal to maintain the altitude above the ridge as I really wished to land at the place of a 'big shit on the top' as Vitaly named that place. And I wished my first bivouac! I flew after Tadej and I trusted his way of flying. When we were passing railway station on the top of the ridge you have to pay some attention on wires spreading all around but we just overfly them high above.

The place of 360 - the top of the ridge from where you can see alllllll around
Just few of other pilots in the air on that day took off from other places as Billing (+32° 3' 35.28", +76° 44' 40.20") take off is still like 'accepting rules and permissions' and not allowed to launch there. When I saw the place we supposed to land I become soooooo happppyyyyyyyy, smiling.... yes yeeeeeees I've made it!!!!! We made it all together!
Ground handling at the sunset
All what I was dreaming in the morning became true and I cannot describe the feelings when I landed among big terrace fields at the 'Three-sixty'. Tea and tasty diner followed in the moonlight time under nylon covering a simple kitchen with excellent cook with Tadej and French paragliding team Reno, Robinson and Momo.
Our 'bedroom'
We found places to sleep – we chose the top of the 360. It is 360 – it is like a big dot on I to the whole day we enjoyed. Warmly wrapped in our sleeping bags staring at almost full moon and bright stars waiting for a streak of a light to wish the days like the one just passed.
Breakfast - cappati, dal and chai
28th October in Bir-Billig (+32° 3' 35.28", +76° 44' 40.20") – flying the last ridge above the valley from 'Tato Pani' to my first bivouac place at 360 – for sure I'll never forget that day!
And I saw a streak of a light and wished myself something too:-)
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