Pozdravljeni vsi skupaj! Trenutno se nahajava na teritoriju Kitajske... natancneje v Pekingu. Ja, kar nekaj dni je preteklo od kar sva tukaj, mislim da 10 in sedaj se koncno premikava proti jugu v provinco Henan v kraj Linzhou. Tam bova poskusala leteti in pozabiti na veliko mesto, kjer sva skoraj 95% casa zapravila za nakupovanje, ki nama nebi uspelo brez kolega Minga iz Hong Konga in organiziranje poti za naprej. No morm rec, da se je v tem casu od najinega zadnjega javljanja veliko stvari zgodilo, ampak se bova potrudila, da vas bova sedaj bolj pogosto obvescala. Celo nama je uspelo en dan letet na kraju kjer kraljuje klub Flying man Beijing, ki pa ima krog in krog omejen zracni prostor zaradi letalisc in vojaskih zadev, a meni je uspelo najti steber, ki je sel 3,3m/s gor in sem se pac moral ustavit pri 1100m ker so bila letala nad menoj in sem ze letel proti vojaski bazi.
Hello everybody! At the momet we're on the territory of China... more specific in Beijing. Many day have passed since we arrived to the city, I think about 10 but we're moving towards to the south to the Henan province to Linzhou town. We'll try to fly there and try to forget about big city where we spent 95% for shopping like radios, getting new strings for paraglider... I must thank to our friend Ming who helped us a looooooooot! I have to say that many has happend since our last letter was published. We flew one day in Beijing at the territory of Beijing Flying man paragliding club but the air space is very limmited because of the airport and millitary restriction.
I cought a termal 3,3m/s but i have to stop at 1100m because the airplanes were above me and I already flew in direction towards the millitary base. Now we're going to the place that has host the Pre world cup this early summer and it should be interesting.
The train has hard seats but 500km for 7 euros should be fine price for the suuffer we have to go througt...we are going to put the armaflex under our bottom..
Nice grettings from China... tadej+sasa+ming
Zai cien in Chinese..
The train has hard seats but 500km for 7 euros should be fine price for the suuffer we have to go througt...we are going to put the armaflex under our bottom..
Nice grettings from China... tadej+sasa+ming
Zai cien in Chinese..
naju veseli da se mata fajn...
OdgovoriIzbrišiLP, Andrej & Monika