3. sep. 2009

Task 1 CIS (Pokal bivsih sovjetskih Republik) 27.8.2009

Po zakljucni podelitvi Kazakstan Open tekme in divji noci smo sli na goro. Obetavne baze na visini 3000m ali vise so bile skoraj nedotakljive, saj je pihal mocan veter in tako je le pescici mogoce nekaj vec kot 20% pilotov uspelo poletet. Potem so zaprli start. Start je bil odprt se nadaljnih 40 minut, a kaj ko je vreme prej postalo resno crno in zacel je padat dez..no v kampu je bila toca...kaj bo z rezultati bomo videli...Piloti so uspeli obrniti drugo obratno tocko.


After the closing ceremony and a wild night we went to the take off. The cloud base was about 3000meters but they were almost untouchable because of the strong wind. Only a few pilots manage to take off app. 20% after that the window was closed and we have to wait. Even they extend the time of open window for 40 minutes the weather got darker and it started to rain in the camp they had hail. What will happened with the results we don't know...everything depend on organizer....Pilots manage to turn the second turn point.

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