24. avg. 2009

Task 2....Obratna tocka A04

Ja to je moje prva tekma pa se na to sem se prijavil ker sva ugotovila da se je najlazje potepati po svetu druziti s padalci ..vse je organizirano: prevoz, spanje, hrana....ni da ni. No je pa tud lepo spet srecat klapo ki sva jo srecevala na najini poti AzijaTmin. Ravninsko letenje je zame, kot za Saso neznanka in morem rejc da je prva naloga prit do konca taska in se aucit cim vec de bomo lahko se tam pr rabatinih“italjanih“ znal letet...

Druzba v zraku

No ta task sm zacel dobro sicer je bla prva obratna tocka dokaj tezka tako, da jih je vecino ostalo na tleh, meni se je pripeljala ogromna crna baza in mi je kr trgalo komande vn z rok k sm probu padalo kolkor tolk stabilizirat medtem, ko je kr letelo u luft.V hribih je ze posteno pralo in tudi par oblakov zahodno so se lepo zvijale dezevne zavese, a se jim nism dal s podna nazaj gor pa na drugo obratno tocko, ki sem jo na sreco na zacetku zgresu , ker sem letel narobe po GPS-ju in sm naredu par kilometerski ovinek. No v tem casu se je na tej obratni tocki posteno zlilo tko, da k sm prsu do nje je blo sam se par kaplc in super dviganje. Vmes ko sem cakal, da neha padat dez sem ugotovil, da imam naslednjo obratno tocko narobe napisano oz sem jo na startu izbrisal.

Pokrajina globoko pod kupolo

Se dobro, da sm mel za sabo zemljevid ,ki ga je blo treba posteno preucit in se skregat s Gps-jem, da nima prav, pa se na papir sem si napisal zaporedje tock kot je predlagal indiski pilot za vsak slucaj. No ja klicem po radiu po rusko po anglesko da naj mi kdo od pilotov ali baza pove koordinate za tocko A04. Ja se oglasijo v 5ih minutah bo kamion prisel po tebe na tocko A04. Bolj ko sem jih razlagal da ne rabim kamjona vecja je bla zmesnjava. Normalno sej katera „mona“ bi sla na tekmo in v zrak in pole bi po radju klicala, da naj mu povejo koordinate obratnih tock!


Sej sm reku tauni se verjetno valjajo po tleh od smeha kr mislejo, da se zajeb..Tko da sem obupal in potegnil naprej vmes sem si dal notr najblizjo tocko in ji sledil tacas pa v eni roki GPS v drugi zemljevid in isci ti dol po poljih katero krizisce sredi mesta je pravo....no po eni debeli uri ko sm jst se kar bingljal v zraku sem prosil ce je kdo scuril tam blizu in me lahko vodi do te tocke ...

Tud zmajarji imajo tekmo

pa se vedno nic po se pa le oglasijo piloti k so bili ze na finisu potem ko sem se prvic oglasil in so sli v gostilno nekaj pojest in popit dva pira pa se ksnga pokadit, da mogoce slovenski pilot rabi koordinato...in mi jo res dajo ko ze letim naravnost proti njej vpisem koordinato in jo obrnem ter po 3 urah in pol pristanem z vriskanjem ….in komaj cakam stranisce ki me caka 20m od mojega pristanka....uf je odleglo s tazadne....zvecer priklopimo GPS in tocka ni bila obrnjena!!!! kako ne ?

Anna in Vitaly - oba izmed boljsih ruskih pilotov

Ja potem ugotovimo ob pivu in ko jeziki postanejo eno in se vsi razumemo, da je on narekoval koordinate v stopinjah, minutah in sekundah......a kaj ko mi je pri narekovanju rekel „point“ kar bi pomenilo pika ali vejica...to je medzunarodno.... No, ja jst sm obrnu task pac po svoje kar sm mel v planu uradno je pa le uradno..... padalski pozdrav iz Alma Ate

Tekmovanje v Kazahstanu se nadaljuje

Organizator je potrdil, da so rezultati ze na strani paracup.kz, ma jih se ni oziroma bova preverila kje tocn.

Ja, zadnjic se je moja napoved uresnicila, Tadej je prisel do cilja kot 31. izmed cca. 70 tekmovalcev v druzbi ekipe na sliki... zmagovalni team 2. taska... sami nasmeski:-)))

Zmagovalna ekipa

Visine so bile ta dan cez 3000m in letenje krasno.

Je slo tud cez tri jurje

Modra termika, kar je za Almato znacilno, kaj zakuha le v hribih proti jugu proti Kirgizijski meji.

Motaj motaj...

Vceraj je bil start kar nekajkrat prekinjen zaradi mocnega vzhodnega vetra, kar za ta predel pomeni veter iz strani in kar precej turbulence v okolici vzletisca.


Inverzija se je spustila na 1600 mnm, mocan veter, kar zahtevni letalni pogoji in le 7 tekmovalcev v cilju.
Veliko pilotov je svoj let koncalo v prvih 10-ih kilometrih, Tadej pa je obrnil 2. obratno tocko, kar ga je uvrstilo med prvih 20 mest.

UP-jeva druzba

Koncno tud jaz poletela vceraj... prvi vtisi... nekaj malega letenja v hribih, vec pa cez ravnino... zanimivo, kar precej drugac kot pri nas. Sicer prav visoko nism zlezla, ker je blo lih mal pozno ze, se vseen pa mi je uspel preletet nekaj kilometrckov... ampak bila sem vesela za prvi dan.

Danes sva mogla prit v mesto uredit vizo za Kirgizijo, pa ce bi uradniki bili trezni na delu prejsne dneve, bi midva prisla do dolocenih informacij prej in bi lahko postopek vlozitve obrazca za vizo zakljucila danes zjutraj in ujela kamion, ki nas vozi na start... hiuhh. Tko de... no flying today... Kazahstan je res mal smotan kar se birokracije tice...za njih vrste ne obstajajo, mal komolcev... 'sej rabm samo en stempl...' pa jim rata. Se bo treba kej od njih naucit;-)

22. avg. 2009

Kazahstan paracup 2009

Tadej trenutno neuradno tekmuje na odprtem drzavnem prvenstvu v Kazahstanu.

1. task je bil skenslan zaradi premocnega vetra, vceraj, 21.9. pa mu je 2. task uspelo odletet.

Malo zacetniske smole – nevpisana koordinata in mu niso mogli priznati celotnega tracka, ampak zacetek je precej obetaven.

3.task... ja, zdej so verjetno ze pristali... se mi zdi, da je ponovil vcerajsnji let – do konca:-)

Jaz grem v zrak jutri in upam na fajn pogoje!

Vec na strani http://www.paracup.kz

Travelling Russia



On 23rd May we finally came to Russia to Saint Petersburg lost one day already (visa cannot be extended and lasts for 30 days only). We made a sightseeing tour around the city and in the evening we entered the train for Moscow. We have managed to sort baggage around coupe. When traveling by train we have to split our backpack in two bags every time as it is too heavy and big to put it on the upper shelf. We were looking forward coming to Moscow, where Alexander Bogdanov, UP dealer in Russia warmly welcomed us. We had a nice dinner in very interesting bar - I have never seen something like this - the place inside is all equipped with everything what is related to flying is stylistic included in the bar - airplane chairs, lots of pictures - base jump, skydiving, paragliding, para-moto, hang-gliding,... nice music, small cinema... Alexander is a professional photographer taking pictures in the air and shooting different kind of sport films. We agreed to hear each other the next day and talk about flying in the nearby place.

We misunderstood each other the day after and lost one flying day in Moscow. We wanted to go to Samara, to the South of Russia, but the weather forecast was bad so we decided rather to continue our way towards Yekaterinburg. Dimitry waited for us at the station early in the morning. We were offered a warm welcome by this special man, we made a brief look around the city and had a real Russian breakfast. Then we went on the meeting place where the rest of Dimitri's friend were waiting for us and we started to drive towards 300 km away paragliding site in Beskhir. Low ridge of cca. 40-50 m of altitude is facing from E to W. Only a hang-glider took off at the time we came as the wind was too strong for para-gliders. We measured the wind is blowing up to 13 m/s.

After lunch and a walk around tour to the nearby mountains thinking all the time it would be possible to fly there as we did not find the wind too strong there.
Mountains are surrounded by taiga, some small spots of swamp and no roads is what you need to be consider in Russia when planning the route you would like to fly. Denis, he is a paragliding teacher in Yekaterinburg was in contact with one of the pilot on the take off... he said the conditions got better and they are soaring even though it was already quite late. We hurry to the take off and in a very short time we were soaring above this small ridge too. The ridge is cca 300 m long and at once quite a lot of pilots enjoyed their last minutes of the day when the sun was getting down behind the Ural's mountains. It is a nice paragliding site suitable for soaring on dynamics and make some flatland flights. Wild camping is allowed, you can swim in the nearby lake, make some trips to the mountains just nearby and the place is great also for cycling. Strong N wind was predicted for the next day, we packed our camping equipment and start to drive back to Yekaterinburg happy we made some soaring on the previous day thanks to Dimitry, Denis, Sergej, Svetla and the rest of the Eburg paragliding family. Krasnoyarsk Tadej is looking for some contact in Krasnoyarsk. If there is someone going to fly during the day as our train leaves in the evening we would like to join. We found a Russian speaking man helped us to call Karinka and Pasha. They friendly invited us to their home where we checked the forecast for the next days. Weekend will be nice and we decided to stay for few days. We needed to change the tickets first, met new friends, talked a lot about flying in Krasnoyarsk, Kahazija (free flying site 300 km away to the south), talked about competitions, which kind activities are they involved in... on a Saturday morning we loaded all the equipment into the van and put the balloon gear on the trailer and we moved 30 km away to the country side.

Paragliding gear, paramoto equipment, winch machines, balloon. four of us and a doggy. They have found this new place just days ago. It is a huge field which they need for ballooning and winching mostly. Pilot can be winched up to 1000 m depends on the wind strength. We were lifted up to 350 m of altitude. We came to the field early in the morning help to set the balloon that it could took off before 10 a.m.. The wind and thermal start to get stronger after. It was our first time having a chance to touch the material of balloon, helping to prepare all the gear, hold the balloon that it did not take off to fast,... 'Ground crew' was following the 'balloon crew' pushed by the wind. Pasha instructed their students how to land and take off again, during the flight students are exchanging and some passengers enter and other leaves the basket. We were surprised by Karinka and Pasha many times during our stay at their place and in the next morning we jumped into balloon's basket too... ah, we are still dreaming... but the noise of the fire which heats the air in the balloon convinced us we are really flying with the balloon!!!

We could not even speak just smiling all along the flight... unbelievable!!!... the view from the balloon, the speed of flight, the reaction of the balloon on heating, how to control the landing, how much of a time does it take to climb, how to release hot air out of the balloon to speed up the landing maneuver, how not to jump out of the basket once right after landing as balloon needs to settle down and still needs some ballast, right Tadej;-) there is a way how to control the balloon:-) Our first balloon flight and our first winching in Krasnoyarsk - really unforgettable memories on our way towards Vladivostok. Krasnoyarsk pilots are traveling around world paragliding places a lot. They have been in Europe, Nepal, India, China... Some of them already visited Slovenia and this season they take a part in competitions in Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey and Macedonia. We wish competitors and the rest who will fly in Krasnoyarsk good luck and at hence special thank to Pasha and Karinka for their hospitality. Maybe we meet each other again in India in September.


Again on the 'poezd' (eng. train) traveling towards Lake Baikal. We did not take the southern route which passes Irkutsk but we are on the way to the northern side of the lake to Severobaikalsk. Two nights and a day on the train gave us a chance to rest a bit and to make some notes. Severobaikalsk is a small city with picturesque landscape and a small fishery village. We found our accommodation just nearby the deepest lake in the world. Young people were listening to the music, dancing on the beach and just having fun. Not many tourists are coming to this side of the lake with old looking more Russian style city. The lake is quite warm in first 1-2 meters and further... in January usually gets icy for cca 3 months.
The lake is surrounded with still snowy mountains on the eastern side and wooded hills on the western side of the lake. 30-40 m high cliff rises above the water... 'here we could even take off with our gliders Tadej found out... next morning we've spread Summit XC on a steep slope 30 m long ending vertically to the 20 m wide stony coast... we were quite speechless that morning I remember. The wind is hardly blowing ... once you make a step further there is no step back... the canopy was hardly filled with air but must started to flying really quickly...

Tadej flew few meters above the lake, made quick turn back to the coast and landed safely... the whole scenario lasted few seconds but Tadej managed to fly over the Lake Baikal! Maybe he is the first who managed this? I choose other place to take off with my Kantega 2. This take is a bit higher but more narrow and the trees on the sides could keep my wing in their 'arms' just above the cliff.

Again the same story... once you decided to launch there is no way back. The wind was blowing nicely and the wing came quickly over me. I felt some wind helping me to maintain my height for a second above the water and made my flight few meters further... it was an incredible flight and even if it took only few seconds it was a special one... I looked toward the launching place and start smiling as I have never took off of such a special, different place.

We managed to make only two flights each as after we had to take care of our gliders... we wanted to fly above the lake as long as possible but after we were a bit short to reach the coast:-)

Another flying day in Russia in a bit even more exciting way and in a such a special place like Severobaikalsk.


On June 6th, 22.33 Moscow time we arrived to Vladivostok after almost 4 days spending on a train. Andrew and an English teacher girl waited us at the station. They took us to the hotel which they had booked. The weather forecast for the next days for Vladivostok was rainy, foggy, visibility of only few meters in front... Pacific ocean's impact on the weather is obvious... we wished at least to handle a bit with our gliders or make a least a short jump like we'd managed in Severobaikalsk. Our wish was strong and that is why it became true... next morning we are on the bus five hours of driving to the north-east to Arsenev and Sergej welcomed us at the station. After having a lunch and tea we went to the meeting point where others were already waiting for us. They said it was rainy for the last two weeks and seemed we brought the sun with us. Wind of 5-6 m/s and a bit of thermal gave us three hours of soaring. Clouds were developing above the take off but once you tried to fly away to reach the next one too much wind disabled this try.

There are ten active pilots, they do not have their own club cause of long term bureaucracy but they are flying together on a nearby hill altitude of 840m. Some of them managed to make distances up to 50-60 km but they must plan their route precisely as taiga and military zones are surrounding this flying and skiing resort. Most of the pilots flies Russian brand wings but Sergej who has been flying for three years now is interested in Summit XC. When Sergey mentioned this we started to laugh... Tadej promised Sergej that he can try the wing.

Windy conditions on the take off where radio/tv tower is based. The road up to there must be maintained during the year and enables pilots to use it all the time too. Sergey's face on the landing place showed everything and even the next day he called Tadej discussing more about the glider and the possibility to get it to Vladivostok. We have spent nice evening with other pilots in Vladivostok after a brief sightseeing tour around the city. Aleks showed us their soaring spot in the middle of the city 'planted' with wires, radars, bunkers... It is possible to top-land and fly on dynamic only. After a dinner and first vodka at the end of our journey through Russia they have kindly accompanied us to the train station and helped us with our baggage. We kindly thank them for their hospitality hoping to meet us again somewhere. We could only dream about how we will finish our journey through Russia – a country full of nice people and beautiful nature.

Impressions are gathering in our minds every day... we have made a lot of photos which will present our staying in Russia even more lively. I hope it is written understandable and that you could get some impression about our journey through eastern Europe and Russia.
And now... we are in China now... in Beijing... Ni hao!
We have been flying in Beijing already... but that is another story;-)

19. avg. 2009

Travelling Eastern Europe


After crossing Slovenia and Hungary border we have started to observe the nature and terrain surrounding us. We have few taken GPS coordinates but remain skeptical about real flying in Hungary. We've passed Lake Balaton, checked few low altitude hills but being late so that is why we continue our way towards Budapest, the capital of Hungary. As discussing to go on a sightseeing tour around the city we have decided anyway to check for the GPS position of the take off just not to bother us later that even we could try. It was somehow we came around the corner and could not believe what we have seen… many colorful spots above the hill almost just above the capital. Pilots were climbing and we've hurried to join them as quickly as can… first Budapest from the air and then a walk around…

Many pilots on the take off already waiting to launch in front of quite a small launching place where two maybe three wings are possible to spread. Terrain follows NW to SE and on the day NE wind helped weak afternoon thermal to lift us up to the sky above the Budapest. It is possible to soar only up to 300m above the ground because of the nearby international airport. Cloud base developed higher and the ones knowing ‘domestic air rules’ climbed up to the base and tried to fly with the wind towards the Balaton which equals… km distance. We were desperately waiting to launch as soon as possible.

After a while we’d noticed the conditions for take off are perfect, still some thermal along with the ridge but no one wants to go up. It will be my first flight with new glider, the one given by you, UP company. I was not even nervous despite the lunch is short and ending in the bushes. Though the thermal weakened already I’ve caught some lift just above the ground together with other two pilots. I was amazed by Kantega 2 and its smooth turn when climbing, it is versatile and you can feel its stability gives you important confidence.

There are two possible landings. Both landings are placed nearby big shopping center – one is placed on the upper terrace and the other on the lower side a little bit more exposed to the turbulence that day. Even that I did not soar for a long time or make longer distance I was exciting about the wing and the first impression made me happy and I was looking forward for the next flying days. Budapest from the air and Buda sightseeing walk around and making plans for the coming days.

We decided rather to drive to the NE part of Hungary, towards a small historic city named Eger. Basilica, old town full of expensive restaurants, fountain in the middle of the city with drinkable water. It is worth to visit radon thermals which warms up your body. This time we haven’t seen anyone soaring above low hills helping us to find the flying site with coordinate position 47 55’ 45”N, 20 24’ 41”E. Following GPS navigator we arrived to the SE side of a small mountain planted with vineyard fields cca. 3 km faraway from the small airport where locals use to meet. Two gliders, pilots were waiting to take off but the wind was blowing from the back and they were waiting for the proper condition to launch. A small cloud base started to develop above the slope. The rest of the pilots are packing their gear at the landing watching at the remaining two pilots on the slope and discussing about a chance still to catch some thermal.

While we we're talking both pilots launched… we did not pay so much attention on these two cause it is already getting late, the terrain is low altitude, cloud base high above, blown away by the N wind and it's a flatland surrounding us… at that time no idea where the lift is going to the ‘upper floor’… Locals said it is possible to fly to the Serbian border on the SE , 180 km away but you have to understand the over flatland flying which differs a lot referring to our mountain country and a new way of enjoying the air is still we need to discover. Eger is one of the best paragliding sites for flying in Hungary and we came one week before their national paragliding competition. They used to organize competitions in Slovenia too. But this season they will host the competition in their country.

Meanwhile one of the pilots flying Trango started to maintain his altitude just cca 50 m above the landing… you could see he’s slowly getting some height… few moments later he almost taught the cloud base. It was so nicely seen how the thermal is getting from the flat ground towards darkening cloud base. The pilot got higher, almost reached the base and continue his flight to the SW. He managed to fly 25 km with return on that day. Is possible to fly towards all directions and you do not need to worry about safe landings as plenty of plain fields are covering Hungarian flatland.

Tadej wanted to try Eger’s air and was offered by a local to be driven to the other take off facing more to the N. I did not join him as I was a bit tired and took a rest on the landing place and try to feel the air this way. Late hour did not offer thermal anymore but nevertheless it is always worth to try.

The weather forecast in the next morning looked nice but we've decided to visit thermals as one of the sights of the city… we made few meters by the road towards the city when one of the locals came by and like he would have some kind of a magnet to his car we started to follow him to the meeting point. We were exciting the locals are going to fly during the week in a late morning as it is nice you have someone beside who knows the place. They’ve explained us we have to hurry a bit as some storms can appear in the afternoon. They brought our backpacks to the take off and we walked for cca. 30 min through the forest to the launch.

It was 11 o’clock; quite many clouds already on the blue sky and few pilots already catching thermals high about two take offs – one is heading more to the S and the other we went is facing to SW. The air is full of energy already and the clouds grow widely and rapidly. The wind was quite strong too and we’re observing the landscape and which direction would be the best to fly. The Cu on the SW becomes darker and darker every minute… we need to hurry… our gear is ready… the wind still OK to take off… clouds above us are looking nice… but the other darker cloud across the city Eger we found a bit ‘suspicious’ and the wall of rain already joined the cloud and the ground… a hero pilot from the previous day has joined us on the take off trying to make another nice flight. We were assuming air conditions together and he as a local recommend better to wait a little bit. The sky was getting covered and the cloud on the other side of the city became Cb. It has no sense to wait at the take off any longer. We packed our stuff and drove a car of one of the local to the landing. We heard on the radio even others needed to land because of overdeveloped clouds and possible thunderstorm just nearby. A bit relived we packed our stuff into our Renault 5 and start driving towards Slovakia, hoping on better and more reliable weather conditions.


Without flying for almost two weeks. Driving the way through Slovakia and further to Czech’s Zakopane. This place could be the most interesting place to fly, snow is still covering high mountains, Visoke Tatry and flatland in front could make flying conditions quite rough. There aren't any clear information if there any paragliding club exists. It is a national park and lots of agencies offer different kind of sport activities to the tourists including paragliding.

Most of other sites in Slovakia and southern part of Czech which coordinates we took on the web are more like training slopes, useful for taking paragliding courses only. It is quite sad in a way when you drive many kilometers to see the place and looking forward you will be able to fly and once you achieve it you see is a very small or no chance for flying.

Javorovy (49º45'44'' N, 18º37'37'' E – 915m take off, 49º38'27'' N, 18º38'22'' E – 452m landing) nearby Polish border has encouraged us with its altitude 915m. As we got closer to the ski resort in the winter, mountaineering and downhill cycling in the summer we saw many pilots soaring not high but it was nice to see them after quite a long time. Chairlift takes you to the top which launch is facing to the N. Sun was just above the launching place and there was still some thermal waiting for us. Two weeks without flying… Tadej is already the highest when I took off. Many pilots were looking for the strongest thermal which would make their flight higher and longer sometimes almost touching ones each others wing. It was a nice flying day and our thoughts came true as we were dreaming that at least we would fly for a half an hour. Catching the thermal till the landing place but you need to be careful of a huge power lines. Our goal was achieved, we were happy and want immediately check the weather forecast for the next day. It is going to be a strong wind coming from the N and Javorovy won’t be flyable at all. The only place where we can fly the next day is Zilina, Slovakia… 80 km back from where we came… but OK, it’s the only place where it will be possible to fly so… let’s go back to Zilina!

White spot on the hill showed we got to the right place. It is 11 am and the wind is already quite strong. We had a breakfast at the landing place waiting for the taxi to drive us to the take off. We were charged for this transfer – 3 and 3 for launch. It is possible to take off to S, SE, SW and NW but it is not allowed to fly much towards W because of the nearby airport, again... Notes displayed clearly inform you about some special details which you need to be consider of. Few pilots have spread their wings, cloud bases above us were developing quite fast and the wind was changing its direction every second.

Some pilots spread their gliders to the southern side of the take off, cloud bases above us are developing quite fast, wind is turning its direction from one to another side every second. Pilots were forced to replace their gliders to northern side of the take off. Clouds have covered the sun and few pilots decided anyway to take off but they made a short jump only towards to the nearby landing. Tadej decided to launch too but the wind got strong again and troubled his wing and pull him on the side. The forecast checked the previous day referring the strong wind was true. Strong wind and thermal forced us to wait for another hour. Meanwhile waiting we spoke to two polish pilots. We asked them if they can recommend us some nice paragliding spots in their county. They haven't been flying in Poland yet and they do not even know some special places where we could go as they usually fly in Slovakia. Not really an optimistic news for us...

Tadej succeeded to launch and he slowly slowly flew away from the ridge. Conditions seemed calmer and the rest are preparing their gear for the launch. Tadej was pushing his speed bar above the take off, one of Polish pilot was forced to land just below the starting place quite faraway from the official landing. The rest are waiting the wind calms down a bit. We are looking towards the N and saw a huge black Cb and already some lightening coming out of it... we must hurry... the wind didn't calm down... it is getting even stronger and Cb is coming closer to our take off place. One of the local pilots advised us to pack our equipment as quickly as possible. They explained when the weather conditions are ok it is possible to fly towards Krakow which is cca. 150 km away towards the N. They have been flying in Slovenia in Tolmin - Soca valley and Tadej's valley - just two weeks ago on the day when it was possible to fly late in the afternoon. Maybe we have meet each other already somewhere above Kobala, Mrzli vrh, Kobarid, Stol, ... it is so interesting to meet people in the other country faraway of our homes finding out that we maybe already meet each other in the same place and flying maybe even climbing the same lift. I thanked them for a drive and we exchanged the contacts. They are interested in flying in China where we are heading to. Wishing nice and flyable days to each other and say goodbye. We have to continue towards Poland... even more flatland country... We hope that...

Poland, Litva, Latvia and Estonia didn't offer us any chance to fly. In these flatland countries it is possible to launch with the 'winch' only and the pilots usually fly there at the weekends. When spending few days in Riga waiting for some package from Slovenia we came to an idea to cross Russia by car via Transiberian road. Already waiting at the boarder, discussing and taking a final decision whether it is worth to make this idea true... we would need to drive at least 500 km per day if the weather is nice (in case of rain the roads can be flooded) all the time and if the car would serve us, almost no stops in some cities would be possible, taking risk the police can stop us many times and requesting us paying some 'globes', some distance you can make 30 km per hour or less other parts can be driven up to 100 km per hour... after six hours of waiting at the border with lots of other cars and trucks we have decided better to drop the Transiberian crossing by our car and keep on going with our primary plan.

We left our car in Tallinn, Estonia, beautiful small Baltic city and our friends from Slovenia will come somewhere in the mid of summer and drive our dearly car back to Slovenia.